CoreIMS™ Vault Management Software
CoreIMS Vault Management is a warehouse management solution designed for Precious Metal Depositories and Traders with functionality specific to Precious Metal industry based on over 15 years of experience. The system is flexible and easily customizable, making it an effective solution to support any businesses. Handling and storing gold and silver bars as well as coins can be a complicated matter. Having a software that ensures that bullion can be received, handled, and stored securely is very important for the management of precious metals. The CoreIMS vault management solution developed by CorePartners is designed to keep track of precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, palladium bars, coins, and other forms of precious metals.
CoreIMS Vault Management Software supports standard Precious Metal transaction types where details of the item can be tracked, including the exact weight, value, fineness, serial number, hallmark, and confirmation number. Special feature are also available related to security procedures implemented in your facilitates for assigned vs. un-assigned inventory. CoreIMS will tracks the custodial location of the particular vault details of each investment at any number of locations where delivery of the investments are also tracked. New types of transactions can be easily implemented to suit specific business needs of every customer.
Multiple warehouse support
Single installation of CoreIMS VM can serve multiple physical or virtual warehouses; providing full separation of their stock operations.
Custom fields support
Custom fields can be used to add business specific information to almost any entity of the system (Item, stock, order, etc.).
Advanced Barcoding support
CoreIMS supports barcode scanning and printing of most inventory operation. Usage of barcode label printer significantly increases effectiveness of receiving and shipping processing.
Batch and Serial numbers
CoreIMS allows recording of unique serial numbers of the stock items as well as assigning of batch numbers to multiple stocks.
3PL support
CoreIMS Vault Management Software have rich functionality for 3PL operations support, including: multi-client software, receiving & withdrawal by client’s order, ownership transfer, billing, security settings for each client, exchange contracts management, document creation and printing, reporting tool, inventory and history reporting. This functionality is also embedded into framework and is available for customized solutions (see detailed descriptions in CoreIMS Framework section below).
Easy Customizable reference data
CoreIMS Vault Management Software contains all the basic common reference data directories like Countries, Currencies, UOMs, etc. These lists can be easily modified and extended to suit your specific business requirements.
Accounting Integration module
CoreIMS Vault Management Software could be integrated with accounting system of your choice that can generate customer invoices, perform tax (VAT) calculation. It is integrated with QuickBooks and Sage out of the box.
Operation history
CoreIMS Vault Management Software keeps history all stock operations for further reporting and analysis.
User interface
CoreIMS Vault Management Software has user friendly, rapid, AJAX-powered web interface. Look and feel can be customized to fit customer corporate design needs.
Third party system integration
CoreIMS allows metal prices to be entered into the system or to be imported from external sources for investment revaluation using public API. CoreIMS Vault Management Software provides an easy way to develop user-defined integration modules for interaction with third party systems with complete API.
CoreIMS VM Web Services can accept incoming requests from external systems. CoreIMS can also send and receive notification messages to/from external systems.
User management and security
CoreIMS Vault Management Software has a standard user/role security system. The system can use its internal user registry or connect to external one via LDAP or user defined adapter.
Transactions authorization mechanism supports four-eye principle.
Data audit
CoreIMS Vault Management Software database keeps track of all changes made to records, (can be switched off to increase performance). Full data audit trail log is available for error recovery or investigation purposes.
Multiple output format support
CoreIMS Vault Management Software can export data in PDF, XML and HTML format.
Scalability and Reliability
CoreIMS Vault Management Software uses Azure (or could be transferred to AWS) cloud that allows great scalability and reliability.