News & Articles

Sage Summit 2014 Las Vegas

CorePartners represented by Bob Reckers and I went to Las Vegas last week . We have been very interested in the Sage space in the last few years, and have quite a few good implementations with Sage 50 US product (former PeachTree). We also developed Sage 100 integration last year that is going through the final testing this week. About the show. Great job as usual on Sage part; very organized and professional. Conference and the show was from Monday through Thursday. Program included Key notes from Sage management and speakers including Pimm Fox from Bloomberg, Carl Rove, Rich Karlgaard…

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Case Study: Real Time Inventory Visibility Across Sites Nationwide

The Challenge A bottled water company fills thousands of bottles in several different sizes on a daily basis. In addition, they supply to customers who have “house brands” which require different packaging, bottles and labels. Production and storage takes place across multiple sites. Production reporting and inventory operations were being done manually using spreadsheets, which resulted in many errors, stock outs and frequent physical inventory counts. The Solution CoreIMS™ now delivers real time inventory visibility across all sites. Raw materials supplies and finished goods are moved quickly and easily between facilities. Inventory levels can be closely monitored by site, and stock…

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The Difference Between Inventory Management and Warehouse Management Systems

Although Inventory Management and Warehouse Management terms are used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two. Understanding these differences is important when choosing what system to get. There are various Inventory Management Systems (IMS) and Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) software packages on the market. There is also a lot of misunderstanding and misrepresentation about different packages. For example some Warehouse Management Systems have different tiers (most common Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) defined by warehouse size, turnover speed and complexity. Complexity Inventory Management Systems tend to be simpler. Most commonly used for items, locations, receiving and shipping…

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Case Study: Government Contractor Shipping Inventory Worldwide

The Challenge A government contractor assembles computer networks and delivers them to end users around the world. All serialized equipment must be tracked while in the warehouse and after it has been shipped to the end user. In addition, the contractor must maintain a complete spare parts inventory to ship replacements on short notice. The contracts suffered from inaccurate inventory information which caused them to maintain very high levels of spare parts inventory. The Solution Having implemented CoreIMS™ inventory tracking system the contracts can now easily trace any piece of equipment by serial number from the time it is received until…

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Barcode Inventory System

The idea of barcode has been around since early 1960 and started with railroad carts. David Collins, while working at GTE, created a system called KarTrak that uses colored reflective stripes as a Barcode Inventory System. Later, around 1967, David Collins quit GTE and formed Computer Identics Corporation. This is when the real life of barcodes started. They used helium-neon lasers to scan black and white barcodes. They installed the first version of the Barcode Inventory System at GM a couple years later. What a wonderful history. The important part is that barcodes have been around for the last 50…

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CoreIMS™ Enterprise Edition Inventory Management System Implemented for Bed, Bath & Beyond Trade Partner

MSG Marketing, an Illinois based designer, manufacturer and distributor of curtain rods and accessories for Bed, Bath & Beyond has expanded operations with the help of CorePartners, Inc. of Frederick, Maryland. This effort involves customized CoreIMS™ Enterprise Inventory Management application along with barcode scanning and printing hardware to meet changing needs in a fast paced environment. MSG was looking for an inventory management solution to manage a high volume flow of goods to meet specific shipping demands and compliance with BBB’s EDI program.  Making use of CorePartners 50 plus years of combined operational experience in the industry (warehousing, materials management,…

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Inventory Software Company Recommended by Inspector General Department of Defense

Industry-leading inventory management software company, Core Inventory Management Systems (CoreIMS), is proud to announce that it has been recommended by the Inspector General of the Department of Defense (DoD) as the official system for inventory management of the Combined Security Transition Command–Afghanistan (CSTC-A). In a 2009 memorandum released by the U.S. DoD that reviewed equipment accountability for the Afghanistan National Army, the Inspector General recommended CoreIMS inventory software as a valuable asset in the management of vehicles and radios. Under the sub-head “Recommendations, Management Comments, and Our Response,” the report suggested that CoreIMS software be “Designate[d] as the official system…

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Inventory Software Company, CoreIMS, Adds Carber to Customer List

Industry-top inventory management software company, CoreIMS, is proud to announce its newest customer, Carber, the world leader in hydrostatic testing and isolation technologies. CoreIMS will provide Carber cutting-edge and comprehensive software geared toward managing large warehouses and inventories. With CoreIMS inventory management software, Carber will have access a host of solutions and support. Carber will now be able to manage its stock visually in real-time based on order processing across multiple warehouses; the company will also be able to view site, location and status information on orders, which will offer a level of detail that is necessary to efficiently and…

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Inventory Management Needs to Increase as Warehousing Market Continues to Grow in 2013

The demand for U.S. warehouse space moved from the recovery phase to the expansion phase in the 4th quarter of 2012–a trend that is projected to continue through 2014, according to CoStar Group. According to CoStar’s 2012 Year-End Industrial Review and Outlook, there was a positive net absorption of warehouse space across the U.S. late in the year, lowering the vacancy rate to 8.9 per cent among the 210 markets tracked by CoStar, a decline of 30 basis points. CoStar markets logged 103.8 million square feet of net absorption in 2012, with positive space absorbed in 151 markets accounting for…

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CoreIMS Offers Enterprise Edition Inventory Management Software

To better address the issue of inventory management across multiple locations and warehouses, CoreIMS, developed by CorePartners, Inc., has developed its Enterprise Edition (EE) version of its inventory management software. The software will allow users who are managing inventories across multiple warehouses to track inventory by site, location, and status information efficiently and effectively. Many useful features are included with the software, as well. User permissions can be defined and customized to define specific levels of access for individuals. Also included is the option to create barcode labels for printing and scanning for accurate transaction processing. Customizable reports can be produced…

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