CorePartners Introduces CoreIMS 3.3!

CorePartners introduces CoreIMS 3.3! The newest release of CoreIMS delivers new features and enhanced security to an already powerful RF Bar Code Ready Inventory Management system. Enhancements include single click operation for Receiving, Shipping and Transfers. You can do more in less time. Move the contents of an entire location, pallet or container with one mouse click. Enhanced kitting functionality allows you to disassemble a kit into individual components quickly and easily. Our new Core Mapping and Core Connect modules allow you to import Excel spreadsheets and connect multiple installations of CoreIMS.

CorePartners today announced that the latest release of CoreIMS is available for immediate delivery. Version 3.3 further solidifies CorePartners’ position as a leading innovator in the Inventory Management System software market. Many Small Distributors and Light Manufacturers understand that we deliver a technologically superior product at a very competitive price. CoreIMS was the first to recognize the importance of Microsoft’s .Net technology. The CoreIMS Web Front End delivers real-time visibility into the warehouse to enter purchase or sales orders and run reports, all via your web browser. CoreIMS is designed to work as a total solution for the typical Distributor. Every transaction within CoreIMS is RF ready. CoreIMS recognizes that 80% of its market, the Small Distributor and Light Manufacturer, uses QuickBooks or some other accounting package. To this end CoreIMS has Financial as well as Sales Order, Purchase Order and Item Certified integration with several accounting packages.

About Us

CorePartners is a high-technology computer engineering company specializing in Inventory and Warehouse Management Systems. CorePartners has successfully delivered projects for clients in the USA and Europe. Our customers include Orkand Corporation, Ashland Oil, Bio-One Corporation, British Petroleum and others.